A Biblical Cosmology with David Weiss: S5 EP 47

The goys have a Christmas present for you fam! David Weiss drops by to talk Biblical Cosmology: AKA “Flat Earth Theory”, AKA The Globe Lie, AKA NASA lies. What exactly do they mean by flat? Can it be proved? How is this more provable than the globe theory? There are over 200 Bible verses that openly state the earth is flat, still and motionless, or are they simply misinterpreted? Join the gang as they sit down for one of the most entertaining episodes you’ll listen to this season! Merry Christmas!

With: Johnny Monoxide, Reinhardt Von Krieger, Dogbot, Jack The Intern

Guest: David Weiss

Check him out on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/DITRH

Music Break: I Told You So, by Conspiracy Music Guru

Creepypasta: Life Sucks and Then You Die, read by Bradshaw Wilson

Johnny’s Twitter: Got shoah’d, press F

Brad’s Twitter: @StoneClaw316

Dogbot’s Twitter: @dogbot5

Reinhardt’s new Twitter: @ironicguard

Jack’s Twitter:@JackTheIntern14

RSS Feed: https://media.zencast.fm/the-paranormies-present-the-ahnenerbe-hour-1/rss

Email/Donations: paranormiespresent@gmail.com

Johnny’s Email: johnnymonoxide@gmail.com

Bitcoin Donations: 151kfokzGJmZMMdEPMz5FjvasMyWQNxwWS

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