If it’s Halloween, it’s the Paranormies’ Halloween Livestream! Filled with guests, ghosts, ghouls, and conspiracy gossip, plus a few creepypastas, its a haunting good time!
With: Johnny Monoxide, Bradshaw Wilson
Guests: Horus the Avenger, Roscoe Jones, Tony and Maria Hovater, The Seeker of Truth, and Potatosmasher
We’re all on Twitter! @paranormiespod
Johnny’s Twitter: Got shoah’d, press F
Brad’s Twitter: @BradshawWilson
Reinhardt’s Twitter: @Irongiardian
We’re also on Facebook, ask about joining the Listener’s Group!
RSS Feed: https://media.zencast.fm/the-paranormies-present-the-ahnenerbe-hour-1/rss
Email/Donations: paranormiespresent@gmail.com
Send us your personal spoop: @paranormiescampfire@gmail.com
Johnny’s Email: johnnymonoxide@gmail.com
Bitcoin Donations: 151kfokzGJmZMMdEPMz5FjvasMyWQNxwWS
Litecoin Donations: LMizbFXL8dJEbeTGgE6raDvPF3UstAeDrB
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