Happy 4/20 and Happy 130th Birthday to our favorite uncle! Tonight on The Paranormies we are joined by long time friend Fash Gordon to discuss a few weird topics. Opening with our takes on some current events such as the Notre Dame fire and the feedback to our first episode body slamming the “””””””moon landing””””””” hoax, we segue into a discussion on a couple of odd ducks who left a terrible mark on our culture: Sylvester Graham and later John Harvey Kellogg. What do the inventor of the graham cracker and corn flakes have to do with our culture? Both of them led bizzare health cults which contributed to the soyboy and circumcision phenomena we have today. Sound weird? It is. It’s really weird. Listen in and find out just how weird it gets on this episode.
With: Johnny Monoxide, Adam Haidt
Guest: Fash Gordon
Music Break: Erika
Creepypasta: Ventris Community Savings & Loan, read by Bradshaw Wilson
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Johnny’s Email: johnnymonoxide@gmail.com
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