Antarctic Trips For Presidential Picks: S5 EP44

The middle of the week means more Paranormies!

Pornhub delete machine go BRRRRRRRRR
Monoxide Effect mutates into Paranormies Paradox
Missing Antarctic cave reunited with world
Robert Sepehr and Jon Levi ASMR
Super Covid fear porn
AJ posting
Proud Boys bare buttcheeks to (definitely) wrong crowd

Enjoy consooming content fam!

With: Johnny Monoxide, Reinhardt Von Krieger, Bradshaw Wilson, Jack the Intern

Music Break: All the Black Dudes, by I have no idea, Jack found this

Johnny’s Twitter: Got shoah’d, press F

Dogbot’s Twitter: @dogbot5

Reinhardt’s new Twitter: @ironicguard

Brad’s Twitter: @BradshawWilson

Jack’s Twitter:@JackTheIntern14

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