Deepfake Freemasonic Brofest at the Capital Ziggurat 2021: S5 EP49

The goys can’t go on break for five minutes without an obscene amounts of gayops and goings on…going on. The #StopTheSteal “rally” took place, and what an event it was! Cops were brutalized (or were they?), barricades were destroyed (or were they?), and thousands of angry MAGA patriots stormed the Capital building (or did they?). Lots of things to break down, many takes to be had. From not actually “Watering the Tree of Liberty”, to multiple Masonic ties, and an actual Judas monent, Wednesday had a lot going on. Prepare yourselves for the gayop inception: a gayop inside a gayop inside yet another gayop.

With: Johnny Monoxide, Reinhardt Von Krieger, Dogbot, Jack The Intern

Music Break: Behemoth (Fashwave mix)

Creepypasta: 5 Minutes In Hell, read by Bradshaw Wilson

Johnny’s Twitter: Got shoah’d, press F

Brad’s Twitter: @StoneClaw316

Dogbot’s Twitter: @dogbot5

Reinhardt’s new Twitter: @ironicguard

Jack’s Twitter:@JackTheIntern14

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