Tonight, Johnny and Musonius are joined by Frater X, member of 9 esoteric orders, author of The Secret War Inside Freemasonry and host of the podcast The Middle Chamber, along with Kekullain, to discuss Frater X’s involvement in these esoteric orders such as The York Rite Masons, and The Ancient Order of Druids in America. He delves into his association with these orders and how he was initiated, and who else may or maynnot be involved in them. In the second hour, we get into more esoteric topics such as The Nephilim, why Albert Pike was a plagarist and why the Scottish Rite is basically a fraud, and what religion has to do with all of this.
With: Johnny Monoxide, Musonius Rufus
Guests: Frater X, Kekullain
Music Break: End The Fed, by RWDS
Creepypasta: Kashima Reiko, Read by: Bradshaw Wilson
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