Welcome back to the Hollow Planet series goys! We are joined again by Jan Lamprecht to discuss more interesting topics related directly or tangentially related such as gravity waves, old Inner Earth legends, modern science, the Internet, and the nuclear sun or inner earth sun.
Check out Jan’s Websites:
Featuring: Johnny Monoxide, Waylon Vril, Goydee Ree, guest Jan Lamprecht
Wanna have your music featured in our breaks? Drop us a line at our email paranormiespresent@gmail.com
Email: paranormiespresent@gmail.com
D’nations: paranormiespresent@gmail.com
Hatreon: https://www.hatreon.net/JohnnyMonoxide/
Bitcoin Donations: 151kfokzGJmZMMdEPMz5FjvasMyWQNxwWS
Litecoin Donations: LMizbFXL8dJEbeTGgE6raDvPF3UstAeDrB
Facebook: The Paranormies Present: The Ahnenerbe Hour
RSS Feed: https://media.zencast.fm/the-paranormies-present-the-ahnenerbe-hour-1/rss